Supporting the goals of healthcare organizations

Supporting the goals of healthcare organizations

Corporate Interiors and Steelcase Health use human-centered design inspiring environments to be intuitive and inclusive for healthcare professionals, patients, and care partners.

Long description

Supporting patients and caretakers with comfortable and familiar spaces has long been a priority for healthcare organizations, and it shows no signs of letting up. Bringing natural elements, earth tones and neutral textures into space design creates a calm atmosphere for users. Providing privacy through partitions, alcoves and high-back seating gives people a break from their surroundings. Positive distractions like ambient music, artwork and tabletop games are also popular tools for supporting stressed and overwhelmed patients and caretakers. Empowering people to adjust their lighting, access personal storage and change their posture throughout the environment provides them with choice and a sense of control over what can be a stressful situation.
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